Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Second Chance

I feel like since healing from my Thyroid Cancer I have been given a 2nd chance in life. I built new relationships, apologized when I have been wrong and took the time to show others my appreciation. See we all know one day we are going to die but we go through life not living like we can die at any moment. 

If we did we would be a little nicer, help people more, love more.  I feel I have been given a 2nd chance and want to leave a positive mark in this world. I want to do things I wouldn't have been able to do. Right now my medicine isn't where I should be so I have had some rough days. Tired, extremely achy, moody. I have tried to have more patience. But when things get rough I try to look at how amazing life is. 

Not everyone is lucky enough to get a 2nd chance. I believe we all have a purpose in life. I have yet to fulfill mine. So I am taking the time to live my 2nd chance. I haven't done anything so extreme but I have worried about things a little less, treated people more kindly and literally stopped and smelled the roses. I have taken moments to admire how beautiful the sky is, how calming it is to watch the clouds glide by. 

I have thanked friends and loved ones. I have let go of anger and been true to people. I say I love you more, I live life as best as I can. I anticipate to live a long long time and really am grateful for my 2nd chance in life!