Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Life Has a Plan For You!

Amazing how no matter how much you try to plan your life things will happen out of your control. I always was a planner but these last couple years I learned life has a plan for me. Some things will go wrong some things will be amazing. Regardless you have to sit back and enjoy the ride. If I had read my life before it happened I wouldn't believe it. But today I survived it and count my blessings. 

Be prepared for the unexpected but savor the moment and enjoy the big and little things life brings you. Pain will teach you lessons. Joy will bring you happiness. Life will beat you up and then be good to you. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Search Within Quote

"Sometimes all you have to do is search within to find the answers. After all they do say we are responsible for our own happiness." 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cheers to Love, Health & Wealth. Happy 2014!!!

Happy New Year everyone. Wishing you all Love, good Health and lots of Wealth. For love helps heal us and when you have love and good health well that's the best wealth you could get. Cheers to another year and may it be your best one yet!!!