Sunday, February 23, 2014

What New Parents Don't Need

I am having baby #3 and I am NO expert BUT I like to think I have some good advice and enough experience to share with Parents-to-be. 

Gadgets New Babies Do Not Need:

*Scented Wipes: Babies skin are so sensitive that there really isn't a need for scented anything to touch their bodies. 

* Footless Sleepers: I never understood this concept. Babies feet don't sweat like us. Our goal is to keep them warm and cozy and footless sleepers just means you have to make sure they keep their socks on through the night. 

*Teddy Bears: Save them for when they are older. It's not safe to have them in their crib and they can't hold anything until they are a couple of months old so wait until then. 

*Jeans: Ever see a new baby wearing jeans? Very awkward and not comfortable. In time you can dress them up to look like little people but for now when you dress a new baby think comfort comfort comfort is what I feel it's all about. 

Again being a mom third time around doesn't make me an EXPERT but I did want to share some tips!

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