Tuesday, April 1, 2014

1 Year Thyroid Cancer Free

1 year Cancer Free for Me!

I remember a year ago driving to Yale and turning to my husband and saying "I can't believe this is happening to me" I cried walking into the hospital. I wanted to be home with my new baby. I still wasn't fully recovered from my c-section. I was angry I was going through this. 

Having thyroid cancer sucked! I was in pain, lost my voice for a while, couldn't loose weight-especially the baby weight I had. I feel I got cheated since I had a newborn at the time and really couldn't focus 100% on her. I broke down when I started loosing my hair. The prep for treatment haunts me. The treatment was awful. But through it all I was never ever alone. I had my family my in laws my friends all around to help with everything and anything. My husband was amazing keeping me positive. My daughters helped me smile. My doctors were honest and real and good to me. 

Through the year I have met amazing people and doctors and friends and the strengthen I received from my children really helped heal me. Being pregnant again didn't allow me to have my follow up body scans but my blood work and ultrasounds all look good. 

I survived my first year and I feel damn good about it! 

I truly with all my heart wish those who have a battle in life the strengthen to overcome it and most importantly the support system to help them get through it! Nothing in life comes easy but knowing you aren't facing it alone is what helps you overcome it! 

I am grateful everyday for the support I have and had. I am grateful where I live because it gave me access to the most amazing doctors. I will never let anyone say Thyroid Cancer is an easy cancer. No cancer is easy. Nothing in life is easy. But I thank God everyday I am still here!

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