Saturday, August 2, 2014

Choose Your Battles!

My soon to be 1 1/2 yr old doesn't like to sleep. She tosses and turns and screams and calls out for me even when I am laying in bed next to her. Being 37 weeks pregnant I want to sleep. I want to wake up feeling as refreshed as possible but being up through the night makes it impossible. Most days I wake up nauseous from lack of rest.

One morning was rough. I was up with my daughter from 1-4:00 am. So when I woke up at 6:00 I felt like I didn't get any sleep. I came downstairs and prepare to start morning. I am in rough shape and moody and crabby and asking god when will I EVER get some sleep! 

Then I found out a friend of my lost her daughter. A sweet little baby girl to cancer. It was heart breaking. A sense of guilt came over me. Here I was so angry that my little one was up all night, cuddling with me and I couldn't sleep and yet a mother was grieving the lose of her child. 

Choose your battles! Choose the things in life worth being angry about. My kids love me, are happy are healthy and want to be by my side. Sleep is overrated. I mean I can function on little sleep. I will get those hrs of sleep back one day. 

Kids grow up, life changes, nothing stays the same forever! Wake up and be grateful.  I know some days are rough, trust me I know, but we are all here for a short period of time. Let's cherish the time we have!

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