Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Infused Water

I am on this kick of infusing my water with fruit and herbs. Being pregnant you do not always like the flavor of water.  You try not to drink juice because of the wasted calories and you cannot have a lot of soda, so I started to infuse my water and it's great!

All you have to do is add fruit, veggies and or herbs to your water. Let it seat at least 30 mins, or over night is better, and the water is naturally flavored. I use frozen fruit if I am letting it sit all day and most nights I prepare it the night before. I have done strawberries with cucumbers, mango with blueberries, oranges and cucumbers. My husband likes mint with strawberries and cucumbers. Basically you can do whatever combo you like!

Here's the idea:

Infused Water Bottle

You can purchase these online, I got mine at the grocery store on sale. There are a ton of sites that list the benefits of certain combos.

Sick of plain water than give this a try!

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