Saturday, September 20, 2014

Key to a Successful Marriage

The key to successful marriage is...Date Night. 

I know I know, communciation is just as important but come on have you tried having a serious conversation at home, with the kids around? Yeah no! Most the time I keep it in my head to discuss with him for when they kids are in bed and then I end up falling asleep on the couch. 

Date night doesn't have to be expensive or even at night. You can do something during the day for a couple hours. One night we had my mother in law watch the kids while we went to a hall to view thier room to book out daughters baptism and on the way one we popped in a place for a slice of pizza. Another time we got tickets to a brewfest during the day and my mother watched the kids. 

These little "dates" help you two regroup. Luckily for me we have so much family around available to babysit so if you don't then don't do it as often to save money on a sitter or get some fun apps and a bottle of wine. When the kids go to bed enjoy it with one another.

Make time to make things special. Being a parent we get caught up in being "mom" and "dad". Take a time out to be you! You'll be happier and your kids will be happier because you are happier!

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