Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Is Your House So Clean- Do Children Live Here

First situation:We got invited over for dinner. I knew they only had his step daughter living there with them.  She was probably 6 at the time. There was NO sign of her toys anywhere. Strange I thought. 

Second Situation: I walked in and they decided to turn their playroom into a sitting room. What is going on I thought? Where will they roam and play. 

These are two examples of houses I have been to that lack signs of children's stuff. Jealous. Umm a little! I mean I love my children more than anything but they take over my WHOLE house. 

Situation one. The little girl kept everything in her bedroom. I mean all her toys. The rest was what a house was suppose to look like without you tripping over toys. Or Legos mixed in with the tv remote. 

Situation two. The kids were getting older and hung out in their room more. 

I gave my kids a playroom so they wouldn't leave their stuff everywhere and guess what... it still is!

Whose to blame... ME of course  

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