Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thyroid Cancer Follow Up

This week I received the news on how my follow up will be. See being pregnant didn't allow me to have proper follow up from my treatment for Thyroid Cancer. I now have to be off my medicine for a month. Do the low iodine diet for two weeks and then have an injection and body scan to see if any thyroid tissue grew or if any cancer is still left in my body. How do I feel?! Not so happy!

When I am off my medicine my whole body changes. As my doctor calls it I will be "torturing my body." I will become in "hypo" state. Tired, achy, weight gain, dry skin, weak, brain fog, delayed reaction and moody. All the fun things I dread. 

To prevent weight gain I started doing gluten free. I will do it until I have to switch to the low iodine diet. The problem with the low iodine diet is that everything I did in preparation to my treatment reminds me of being nauseous and sick. You know when you eat something and get sick you can never want to eat it again? Well that's me now. Anything I reference to the low iodine I feel quesy. It's awful. 

The whole point is if there is anything supicious I will have to have a repeat RAI treatment. 

So please don't be alarmed if my tone changes in my posts for the next month. My levels won't be normal so I won't be normal. 

Whoever said Thyroid Cancer was easy never had to deal with Thyroid Cancer. 

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