Monday, February 3, 2014

Oh Baby Baby Baby

To my great, unexpected, unplanned surprise the stomach virus that " never went away" was really signs of my body telling me I was Pregnant with baby #3.

I am still in shock. The baby is due in August. I feel like it will be our boy but to be honest I am so in love with my daughters that I would be just as happy if it was a girl. 

My first two babies were planned so to be 3 months pregnant without planning it sure is taking me by surprise. My baby just turned 11 months so will be kindof nice to have then grow up together so close in age. My oldest is 5 and helps our sooo much that I know she will be great with the baby. 

Life sure is funny and unpredictable. 
But like any other event that has taken place over the last couple of years, I have learned that you need to take the good in every situation and keep moving forward!