Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Turning 34

"God puts people in your life for a reason and at times takes them out of your life for a reason too!"

I turned 34 over the weekend. It didn't bother me this year. I mean I am 34, have two 1/2 children- one of the way and been happily married for 10 years this July. I have met a ton of people and those who stayed in my life have made me a better person. Those who left taught me something and kept me moving forward. 

You see we all have lessons to learn from one another. Some lessons are painful, some are amazing, some we wish we never had. But in all they shapped me to be who I am. 

Granted it's sad those who left was due to passing a way but even then we learned something from them. I read an article today that mentioned how we attract positive and negative in our life. When we reflect negative towards someone we take a piece away from them and us. So let's try to remember that. When we reflect positive we attract more positive. Remember that as well!