Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Final Day Before I Meet My Third Child

No matter how many pregnancies you have it's always magical when you hear your baby's first cry. I still can remember both my daughters. My first was short as sweet. Three cries and that's it. My second went on and on and then and there I knew she was spunky. The minute they brought her to me and she heard voice she stopped. It's an experience like no other.  

It's hard having a c-section because you depend on so many people to help you after you give birth. I am so grateful and lucky to have both sides of our family near by willing to help. But preparing to be depending on others stinks. I stocked the fridge. Cleaned the house. Picked out outfits for my kids for the next four days. It's like preparing for a vacation when all you want to do is rest. 

Today is about packing my last minute items for hospital, taking care of all bills, making sure I stop by bank to have cash on us. Cameras need to be charged. Laundry needs to be finished. Gratefully my husband is capable of helping. I am trying to squeeze in a big nap and want my kids to have my attention too. 

Tomorrow I will officially be a Mom to 3 daughters. Crazy I know, but also so amazing!!!