Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month- What's YOUR Story?

I had symptoms, symptoms that were pretty common and associated with random things but never did I think it would be Thyroid Cancer! Increased hair lose, a lump in my throat that I never followed up on, PCOS, hard time getting pregnant, insulin resistance, my medical list went on but for some reason it never occurred to anyone it could be my thyroid causing everything. 

I failed my 1 hr glucose pregnancy test while pregnant with my 2nd daughter. My OB insisted I see a specialist. Specialist felt a lump, I had thyroid cancer. 4 nodules full of Papillary Thyroid Cancer.  My saving Grace was it didn't spread! My daughter she saved my life!

After getting my whole thyroid removed, RAI treatment and monitoring of my levels I got pregnant.  Today I am here with my family alive and well and grateful. So grateful. I have been Cancer free for 16 months. I am so lucky. My scar is not noticeable, my voice is back to normal. My hair loss stopped.  I met an amazing friend who also has thyroid issues that gets what I am going through. I have a huge support system. I have three amazing daughters that I wake up everyday and thank god for. 

I survived Thyroid Cancer! I am grateful for my amazing doctors! Dr Randolph in Norwalk and Dr. Carlin in Yale. My OB Dr. Kerr saved my life, she insists my daughter did all the work but she pushed me to see someone, so to her I am forever grateful. Listen to YOUR Body! Make sure you have good doctors. Never ignore what could be happening to you.  

Share YOUR story with me!