Monday, September 22, 2014

What Superpower Do You Wish You Had?

I wish I could split myself up! I wish there were "mulitple" me!!!

I wish I could be with my oldest daughter all the time. I love how smart she is. I would love to challenge her with different knowledge.  We have so much fun hanging out, going out and eating. She's a foodie like me and I love it. She's so outgoing and happy. I am happy when I am with her. She loves to play Board games and she's always asking me questions that make me really think before I can answer.

I wish I could be with my second daughter all the time. She's only 18 months and can do so much. She loves to try to put things together. I love sitting and watching her play. The way she moves. The way she takes her time to do things. She also loves farm animals so I wish I could take her to the farm all the time and see her interact with the animals. She loves dogs so I wish I could take her to a pet store to play with the animals. 

I wish I could split myself up to always be able to be with my baby. She's such a sweet loving baby. When I shake the rattle she is so alert and tries to talk to me. You know her soul is trying to reach out. It's amazing at 5 weeks how smart I know she will be. She's so pretty too. She has the best cheeks that I love to kiss up. Her skin is so soft. She is at peace when she's with me. I am her mamma and she already adores me. 

I wish I could be with my husband all the time without the chores and duties of life. He makes me happy. He's smart and funny and yes at times we get on each others nerves but we really enjoy eachothers company. We like to eat, drink, shop and try new things out. We go to fairs and festivals and have a blast like children. I love road trips. We pick up food and I blast the music and sing my heart out. He gets me and at times I think I get him. 

My list goes on....I wish I could give everyone I love my undivided attention. I want them to know that I rather be with them then do anything else. 

What superpower do you wish YOU had?