Friday, November 14, 2014

Best Pumpkin Pie Recipe

This is the best and easiest recipe for a Pumpkin Pie. I got it off a can of Stop & Shop pumpkin purée.

What you need for 1 Pie:
1 pie crust- I get already made in freezer section
1 can of pumpkin (15 oz) -Libby is great or Stop & Shop brand
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar- I go a little over 1/2
1 tsp cinnamon - I love cinnamon so always add a little more or at least 2 tsp 
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3/4 cup light cream or milk- I use organic whole milk

Preheat oven 350 degrees. Beat eggs in a bowl with a fork. I then add the sugar and spices. Beat all together. Add pumpkin. Mix well then slowly add milk. Pour in a pie crust. I always put pie crust on a baking sheet incase it over flows. I always put extra mix in smaller dishes for the kids to eat. Bake for 50 mins or until crust is golden brown. Serve with ice cream or whip cream or both!