Thursday, December 18, 2014

All I Want For Christmas Is...

All I want for Xmas is... A Clean Scan!! 

Having my 1st follow up scan today for my Thyroid cancer.  Nerves are setting in. I mean I feel pretty good since I have been off meds but who am I kidding it's been an awful ride. I haven't gained much thanks for doing gluten free and then low iodine- yuck I know but at least I am only mildly puffy.

So I went to my local hospital and took 7 tablets by mouth because there is radio active material on them so I can not touch them. I took them, drank my glass of water and have to go back this afternoon. During scan you cannot move. You need to stau still. So of course my eyes will be wondering toward the screen to make sure nothing lights up! 

They say I am safe to be around the children's but not to hold the baby up to my chest. Of course when I get home my middle one is screaming "UP, UP!"  So I bribed her with a mini ice pop and she left me alone after that. 

Gratefully my mom will have them soon so I don't have to worry about holding them. I am extremely lucky for the help and support system I have. 

I keep thinking.. It's ok if anything returned you'll have to just have another treatment and everything will be ok. I am more worried about my kids then me. I want to be healthy for them so I can take care of them. 

Once I get the ok I will definetly be going out for a cheeseburger, shakes and fries!! Wish me luck!!