Saturday, February 21, 2015

It's Ok To Talk About It

 Growing up I had this impression that if someone went to therapy they had a rough life or hit rock bottom! Now a days you can talk to someone just for some guidance. 

Therapy is a way to release what's bothering you and teaches you how to handle the way you feel. I have gone to therapy before, family members have gone to therapy, friends have gone to therapy. There's nothing wrong with seeing someone to help you deal with a situation in your life. 

Couples therapy is great. It is great because the therapist hears what you and your spouse are complaining about and teachers you how to COMMUNICATE! 

Communication is the key to a successful marriage and life. You need to be able to communicate without it turning into a fight. 

Life isn't easy and we are constantly being tested. No one expects people to deal with issues and rough times on their own. I loved speaking to a therapist because once I heard my issues out loud it was easy for me to find a solution to them. 

If you need a therapist or someone to talk to them best place to start is asking your insurance company to recommend one in network. It's amazing how good you feel once you do it!

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