Friday, March 20, 2015

No Two Kids Are The Same

Why do we treat our kids the same if they ARE not the same? Now I don't mean give one kid something and nothing to the other. What I mean is we act like they are all the same person and like the same things but they don't. An example if you were to give your children a snack plate would they eat the same things?

So I gave both my daughters a plate. Same amount of food. Same items. 

After about ten minutes I went back to see what they ate. Now this is a lot for my two year old but check out who ate what. 

My two year old:

My 6 year old:

So even though my 6 year old ate more the stuff left on her plate is different than my 2 year old. 

See our kids are all different. They like different things so why do we try to push the same things on them? Is it to make things easier for us?

I do believe they all should try the same things at least once but then after we should really accommodate what they enjoy like an individual. 

Our goal isn't to have them be alike. Our goal is for us to find out who they each are and let that part of them shine. 

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