Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day!

It's Earth Day. A reminder to be good to our planet. You know the east coast and even west coast faced some strange weather this year and I would joke and say "Mother Nature is mad at us" but reality is it is kind of true. We need to be better to our Earth so it is good to us!

When I first moved into my house I saw a bird bath at a store. Because we were trying not to spend to much I didn't buy it but my hubby surprised me and put in back yard. I love cleaning it and watching the bird enjoy it. It's like we are giving back to the Earth. 

So today I dumped the old water and filled it up again. I told my girls today we need to give back to the earth and I even dressed them in flower shirts to help spread some love. What have YOU done to give back?

Here's a fun article "5 Foods to Save the Planet" via @NatGeo

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