Friday, April 24, 2015

Who Has Inspired You and Have You Thanked Them

We go through life with this idea that we have a purpose. Mostly we think a huge impact will happen and we will then die a legend. What people fail to understand is that the little influences we pass along the way really is what makes up our journey and character. 

After having Thyroid Cancer I really tried to look at life differently I really wanted to spread good. I didn't want to be known in a negative way. I mean I have always tried to treat others the way I wanted to be treated and be good to people but It's not my job to change the way people think of me but it is my job to live a life that I can look back on and smile about. 

I was inspired the other day. A girl from Highschool  I wasn't too close with who always was overweight posted her success with Weight Watchers. Now I have no time for that even though it is extremely successful weight loss solution but with three kids I can't attend a gym forget sessions . Anyway it inspired me to jump start my post pardon weight loss. 

See before stopping my thyroid meds for testing I was eating great and losing weight. Well since December it came to an holt. I needed inspiration and I wasn't getting any. 

After a week using an iPhone app "My Fitness Pal" I am down 4lbs. Now I have a good 25 to go. But her post really inspired me and I hoping after I am down another 10-15 lbs to reach out to her to thank her. 

See if we all took the time and told the person who inspired us "thank you" then we all would continue to be a positive influence on others. 

Her influence wasn't intended to push others to lose weight. Her intentions were to post her own weight loss success. But her success inspired me to do something and for that is much more meaningful in life than those who preach how great they are or what you "should be doing". How about just doing something good and then others will follow. 

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