Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Do You Believe In Angels?

We all have souls but do you believe in Angels? Do you believe souls surround us when someone passes away? A couple weeks ago bizzare things were happening in my house. I was alone but threw something away and it popped out of the garbage. Then a can fell. My pencil rolled off the counter. My dog was playing with an imaginary person in my bedroom. 

I was spooked. I said out loud I don't have time for this and whoever you are please leave. I got in my car to pick up my kids and felt a stroke in my hair. I again repeated who ever you are thank you for visiting but please leave. I went inside for my children and came out to my car being on. 

After that they were gone. I don't believe a spirit wanted to hurt me. Maybe they had a message or a pass by. 

For the first five years when my grandmother passed an old lady would ring my door bell on the anniversary of her death. My husband never believed me until he was home one day when it happened. I never allowed him to answer the door. There was never a car outside. 

Is it all a coincidence or mind over matter? Maybe so. Well tonight I scrolled through my pictures and this is what I saw. 

So I zoomed in

Do you believe in angels?

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