Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pez Visitor Center in Orange CT

It's the last week of Summer break and I wanted to do something fun and new with my family. My husband took a half day and we met him at our favorite pizza joint in Fairfield, Frank Pepes.

We then surprised them with a visit to the Pez Factory in Orange CT. The two little ones fell asleep so we took turns inside with my oldest. First of all I can't believe this place has been here since the 1970's and we have never been here.

It was $5 per adult and $4 per child. Each admission got a $2 credit toward their store. The factory you can't walk through but glass windows to look in.  They have fun interactive games and it was cool to see and learn the history of Pez. The whole place smelled amazing, was bright and clean and fun. 

My daughter was amazed at this giant dispenser that pretended to pop a Pez out. She said "mommy think the Pez will fall on our heads" while cracking up. Of course nothing came out but was super cool.

A lot of history displayed. 

If you're ever in the area definitely pop in. Worth it! I would go back when the little ones get older. 

It's these little things you can do with your family to build long lasting memories. Glad we took the time to go. 

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