Thursday, September 10, 2015

I am Glad We Met Up

My daughter climbed into my bed really early this morning and turned to me and said "I am glad we met up." "What do you mean?" I replied. "In this life Mom, I am glad our souls met again. I am also glad you met Dad because if you didn't meet up with him then you wouldn't of had me or my sisters."

We talk a lot about our souls and our lives together. Like where we came from and how God gave us a soul and when someone passes our soul carries on. When she was really young she would tell me stories as if they were current but they were things from her "past" She is an old soul for sure and I am too, maybe not as old and wise as her soul but I have been here before.

I know to some it sounds crazy but think about it. I know I have mentioned it before. We all have souls and are all connected. How many times have you met someone and felt a magnetic energy between the two of you or felt a strong connection like Deja vu?

Think about how you came to my blog. We are all connected some how. We have to look at everyone past and present and remember the lessons we learned. Some people we are still learning from. I may not have a direct contact with you but my readers are what keeps me writing so thanks for coming by.

By the way I am not crazy, just like to believe we all have more to give and gain from life.  I am glad  I met up with all of you. 

"Will we be together again in our next life, I hope so but I am not sure let's just enjoy this one!"

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