Saturday, September 12, 2015

Stamford Nature Center Astronomy Nights at the Observatory

We finally made our way to the Astronomy night at Stamford Nature Center Observatory. We attended the Passport to Space lecture then got to go up to the roof where the telescope was. At first the lecture was a little long but you could feel the passion the speaker had about space.

Then he broke the kids up into groups and they had to create a pretend robotic camera for their moon. My daughter was the leader in her mission.

Then they had to explain what it is and did.  

It was really cute and informative. Lastly we all walk upstairs. You cannot take pictures and it's super dark with red lights to help adjust your eyes. They have a step stool so kids can get up close to the telescope. It takes a good couple of seconds for your eyes to adjust. But once it does. It's MAGICAL. Below is a picture similar to the Saturn we saw last night. Our view was brighter. It was amazing. 

I have a new respect for outer space. It's really fascinating and I keep picturing the image of Saturn. 

If you can make your way to the Observatory nights at the Stamford Nature Center. Every Friday you can view the telescope until end of November. On specific Friday's,like last night, you get to enjoy a presentation on a specific topic. Members get in Free. Adults $5. Children 5-17 yes $3. Recommended for children 5 and older.

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