Monday, September 28, 2015

When Was Last Time You Made Someone Feel Good With a Thank You

I logged in tonight to work which I do quite often and opened an email from a radio host who I have been emailing throughtout the day for my client and he said "Thank you and Thank you for all that you do." It automatically put a smile on my face. It's the little acknowledgements that make a difference in a person's day. 

Does he know me not really but he saw the efforts I have put in to get a meeting scheduled and that little added "thank you for all you do" made my night a little brighter. 

It takes no effort to truly be kind to others. When was the last time you said something nice or went the extra mile to acknowledge someone's hard work?

We get caught up in the rush of things that I too do sometimes forget to say thank you. 

I worked for a company years ago and it wasn't the best experience. She micromanaged everything I did. It was frustrating. But I did walk away from her constant reminder to not write "Thanks" as a response but instead "Thank You". More professional yeah now I know. But at the time I thought it was another one of her controls over me. 

Everytime now I respond to my client's clients I always add an extra "have a great afternoon" or "enjoy your weekend" to my responses. 9 out of 10 they respond with a Thank You, You too. 

I can't see them but I know they are smiling from my response. It's these little efforts that make a difference. 

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