Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Half Way There...

It's been 2 1/2 years since I had my thyroid out. I had an ultrasound yesterday and really should have rescheduled since my sinuses are acting up. They saw something suspicious on my scan and although I think it's due to not feeling well I am following up with my doctor to be safe. 

I went to Hammers Imaging in New Haven, CT. They are the best. I have had biopsies before and scans and this is by far the best place I have ever been. So when he said he was not completely alarmed by my scan since my levels are good, I trusted him. He also said that 5 years Cancer free would mean I am cured of Thyroid Cancer. I would still need follow ups but the chance of reoccurrence slims down completely. Also since the Cancer did not spread to my lymph nodes and I had treatment chances look good that I could like a long healthy life. So cheers to my half way mark. Another 2 1/2 years praying to be Cancer free and then maybe I can put this all past me. 

Sometimes these are little reminders to live your life to the fullest. Be happy. Be with those who bring you happiness. Love life. 

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