Sunday, November 8, 2015

Not Everyone Likes Chocolate Cake and That's Ok

My daughter came home from school and said her friends don't like how she draws her dogs. I asked if she liked her dog and she said yes. So I asked "do you think everyone likes chocolate cake?" No she replied. I said "so should we stop making chocolate cake because not everyone likes it?"  See this is just an example of how not everyone in life will like or agree with things you do but if you do then ignore the others. 

To add a little fun I remembered a story when I was a kid on how to draw a dog. So I found it and told my daughter. I said you don't have to change the way you're drawing but this is a fun new way if you want to try it. She seemed to enjoy it and now has a story to teach her friends.
  • Cute Little Story On How To Draw a Dog

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