Monday, November 23, 2015

Take Some Time This Week

This time of year is always a lot of work for me. It's my daughters birthday week so I have her family party and kid party to focus on. We usually take out our holiday decorations  and do our holiday cards. 

This year I am taking a little time out and focusing on enjoying this week. It's not easy to do. After Thanksgiving comes the rush of holiday shopping and holiday parties that are so much fun but have jammed up my weekends for the next month. 

Outfits for the kids and me and sitters and trying to get some down time in between it all adds up quickly. It's not easy. 

But we do have control over how our week will turn out- most of the time. 

Block out sometime this week and really focus on what and who is important in your life. Try to enjoy the moment before the holiday rush sucks us in. 

Take a little time to breath and meditate. It's amazing how it helps release stress. 

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