Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year's Eve!

Cheers to a Happy and Safe New Year's Eve!

Change The Way You Look At Things

When you start to look at things differently the things in your life start to change. The little things you over looked seems to matter and the big things seem to disappear.

We have this outlook of how life should be but reality is we need to start enjoying the little things. Bad things will always happen. We can harp on bad string of luck we have or we can say it's part of life and move on. 

The point is start appreciating the little things more. Wake up happy and go to bed happy. Throughtout day say you're thankful for the things that make you happy. Show appreciation for the people who do nice things for you. 

When you come across a situation that brings you down try to turn it around. I have come a long way these past couple of months and it's like a light bulb went off in my head. I am going to start appreciating the small things because combined they are what matter. The big things yeah they count too but it's the little things that keep you going. 

Change the way you think and see how your life will improve. Start by saying what you're thankful for each day and see how much happier you will be. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bye to 2015

Bye 2015...May the worries and troubles remain in your past and bigger and brighter things arrive for the coming new year. Embrace the good that's ahead. 

Goals For 2016

What Goals Would You Add?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Everything Happens For A Reason

Cheers to a Better, Healthy, Successful 2016

Weather in Connecticut

I was really enjoying the rare warm weather we were having. It was just a matter of time before "winter" hit.


Monday, December 28, 2015

New Years Eve Recipes

I still haven't finalized my plans for New Years yet, funny the older I get the less I seem to focus on it. I fight the clock to stay up to see the Ball Drop and kindof don't want to deal with the party rush so staying in sounds better and better every year.

If you plan on staying in or throwing a get together check out these fun easy recipes to add to your list. What are your New Years Eve Plans?

20 New Year’s Eve Party Food Ideas from Oh Sweet Basil

Recipes Link:

Source: Facebook

Fancy up some Hot Dogs! This idea is clever and perfect for any table. 

Source: SuperMums on Facebook 

These cupcakes are so bright, festive and easy to make. They are really perfect for any party. 

Source: SuperMums on Facebook

Little Memories Last a Lifetime

Take the time and do things with your children. Doesn't have to be big expenisve things. Just spending time together like in the kitchen or bonding makes a huge difference in their life. I see it already with children. My 7 year old always says "mom remember when we made this last year" my 2 1/2 year old always runs in the kitchen when I ask "who would like to help me empty the dishwasher". Whenever I say I am baking my 1 1/2 year old goes to get the step stool so she can help me. Yes everything takes longer to do and you need extra patience but it's these little memories that stick with them. Life's about the little things too. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Post-Christmas Cleanup

Great holiday minus the clean up which I feel like I have been doing for last two days and house is still a mess. At least the kids are happy. Enjoy the laugh!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve

Tonight is a huge celebration in my family. Growing up we always celebrated with a huge meal, ton of family and opened gifts on Xmas eve.  I always look forward to it. Family from near and far gather together and we just eat, drink, and laugh.

I hope tonight and tomorrow you are enjoy the spirit of the season. It's not just about the gifts but the beauty of being around those who you love and love you. 

     Merry Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

In The Spirit of Christmas

In the spirit of Christmas take the time to cherish not just the presents but the beauty of the day. We spend months and lots of money and time for this holiday that it's easy to overlook the beauty in it.

The little things that make the spirit of Christmas magical!

All I Want For Christmas...

Thyroid problems or no thyroid problems I think this applies to every Mother!

Pay It Forward

I went to grab a coffee today and donuts for the kids at Donut Delight in Norwalk. When I went to pay the cashier said I was all set. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. She said the car infront of me paid for my order. I was in shock and immediately said "that's awesome. I would like to pay for the car behind me." She looked at me and said "you're awesome for that. Merry Christmas."

You keep hearing about "pay it forward" and it really does brighten someone's day. Granted the car behind me cost me only $4, the gesture shows that there are good people still out there that do good not expecting anything in return. 

Pay It Forward and see how rewarding you feel after!

Holiday Crafts With Children Handprints

I always wanted to be an elementary school art teacher when I was younger so when it comes to doing crafts with my children I Absolutely love it.

Every year I try to create some keepsakes for the children grandparents and for me. I love looking at past crafts that we did. It's really a great bonding experience with your children. Yes it takes patience but also you are creating great memories. 

Each child had a different craft. We did a reindeer using hands and a foot for the face. We did a wreath where I used the baby's hands and then I painted a bow on it. Then we did a reindeer out of a hand and Santa's sleigh out of a foot. Of course I need to thank Pinterest for the great ideas. 

Which Holiday Crafts will you be creating with your children this year?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

Surround Yourself With Love and Happiness Will Follow

I spend most of my time in the kitchen and this year has been great because our Christmas tree is in site.

I was listening to the radio and it said the the main purposes in life is for people to find love and happiness. I mean who doesn't want that?

Every year I attach our holiday cards we receive around the opening we have in our kitchen. Everytime I am there I smile at all the love and happiness around me. Cards from family and friends make my heart fill up and smile. For some reason this year they have been extra special to me. 

Let go of what's not right in your life and surround yourself with love and happiness will follow. 

You Become What You Choose To Be

A client told me about this site, You sign up for free and do a little survey of what you want out of life and every morning you get a message. from "The Universe." Some messages are right on.

Below is one I thought I would share. It's a reminder that we become what we choose to be. Whether how your day is going or week, we choose to feel a certain way and have control over it:

This morning's message:

"How about, J, no matter the temptation, you no longer think or say, "I'm tired," "I'm hurt," "I'm angry."

Don't even think or say, "I'm happy." Instead, whenever the urge arises, think or say, "I choose to be tired, hurt, angry or happy." And give it a little time.

Because this is how you become anything,

The Universe

Friday, December 18, 2015

Start Giving

It's the holiday season and we get so caught up in the drama of holiday shopping and getting that I decided I needed more to feel good about this season so I decided to give back. 

Now we all are on a budget but just small gestures really doesn't put a price on how you feel. Giving back means doing something that isn't expected. At the stores when they ask will you donate to a cause I have been saying yes. I have been complimenting people more  and showing my appreciation even during some frustrationing situations. 

We are always too rushed to even say thank you that I have been making a point to show my appreciation. My dog was booked next week for surgery and after speaking with a nurse and showing her my appreciation to her flexibility she was able to get my dog in today. 

At my daughters gym class I gave the manager and teacher a small GC and said I appreciate you adding classes to fit my schedule. They were so happy at my gesture that they offered for us to stay and try the other classes for free. 

I have been told numerous times that Fairfield County is a hard place to meet nice people and live in. So why don't we make an effort to change that. 

Going out of your way to be calm and appreciative brings goodness back to you. I am not doing this to get. I am doing this to feel good about myself. Try telling someone I really appreciate it and listen how their tone changes. 

The vet called me numerous times to keep me posted. My initial call they were rude. Once my tone changed so did theirs. 

It takes five seconds to be a better person. 

Pass a smile and get a smile! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Easy, Nearby Holiday Shops To Complete Your Shopping

I am almost done with my holiday shopping. Just when I think I can start to wrap I remember another gift I forgot to get. In the past I always had to make a stop in the Mall to complete my list now the Internet and even small local stores makes shopping much less stressful. Below are some saving grace locations to complete your holiday shopping.

CVS/Walgreens/Rite Aid: There is one in everyone corner of town and they carry a huge selection of items to complete your last minute shopping. Toys, snacks, candles and great stocking stuffers. The best is they all carry gift certificates from a variety of large chain stores. The catcher is an activation fee but think about the gas you are saving by picking them up here. 

Wine and Country Basket: This is my all time favorite gift basket website. They carry great, elegant, fun selection of gift baskets and reasonably priced too. The name makes you think Wine baskets only but reality they have a ton of chocolate and gourmet baskets and towers to choose from. Always has a 5% off coupon for this site. 

Local Grocery Store: It's amazing the variety of items they now carry. Toys. Festive Candles. Even hats and gloves. The holiday aisle is always filled with great stuff for last minute gifts and stocking stuffer items. They also carry a variety of chain store gift certificates, please note they too have an activation fee. 

Most of these stores stay open late. Making it really easy and stress free to complete last minute holiday items. 

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Change Your Thinking Quote

"You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it."  Albert Einstein

Keep Pushing Forward

We tend to think everyone else situation is easier; ex single people have it easier then married people. People with children have it harder then couples who do not have children. Working part time vs full time is easier etc...I was talking to someone whose children were all grown and he established a great career for himself  and he said you know no matter what your situation we all have a lot to deal with and have a lot going on. It's just a matter of how we deal with it. 

Some days are harder than others, but reality is this is life. We all walk around with our own burdens and stress. We need to appreciate the good days so when the tough days come we can handle them.

I wake up with intentions of a good day and some times it works some times it doesn't but we are not alone. We all need to keep smiling and pushing forward because life is this way. Good Days, Bad Days, whatever day you are having keep pushing forward!

Monday, December 14, 2015


We reached 60,000 hits on this blog and I want to say THANK YOU to all my readers near and far! Growing up I always had journals and it is funny that this blog is like a journal for me. May it bring you some laughter and prospective and help guide you.

I write how I feel, I write because it relaxes me. Please feel free to email me with any feedback or suggestions!

Happy Holidays and Cheers to a Successful 2016!

Keep on reading!


How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

Past couple of months a lot of people my age and early 40's have passed away. I keep seeing beautiful messages and tributes about how amazing they were and how many life's they have touched. The marks they left on so many people is remarkable. 

Life is short and we need to start living our life the way we want to be remembered by. It kindof makes you think how people around you view you, your actions and the type of person you truly are. 

Take a step back. I mean we aren't perfect but if we really were to die tomorrow could we look back and say we tried our best and gave it our all? Have we loved all those around us and been good to people. If you don't like what you see then start making some changes. What marks have you left in people's lives?

Friday, December 11, 2015

You Need To Find Humor in Your Day To Stay Sane

As a parent it's so hard to control any situation let alone get all your kids to look and smile at the camera. I dressed them up so cute for a holiday party and attempted to get a picture. At least it made me laugh. Laughter is the key to getting by in life. I am lucky I have humor in my days. 

Cash Back For Shopping Yes Please!

I am addicted to this site. Ebates is awesome for shopping and getting cash back for it. All you do is create an account here for free search the site you want to shop on and get a percentage back on your purchase. This holiday season I am getting $22 back already. They even list coupons to use on the site you are ordering from. 

Getting money back to shop sounds like a great deal to me! 

Happy Shopping!

Peanut Butter Cookie Cups Candy Bites

So here's my twist to these peanut butter candy bites. You normally fill them with Reese's Peanutbutter cups but this time I used the remaining Halloween candy and they came out oh so good!

I got the cookie recipe from

Instead of using peanut butter cups I used my Halloween candy

Spray mini cupcake pans. Preheat oven 350. Mix flour salt and baking soda together. Set aside. Mix rest of ingredients. Slowly mix in flour mixture to wet ingredients. Make a little ball out of dough. Place in mini cupcake sheets. Bake at 350 until golden brown. Once out of oven stick whatever candy you want down in center. Amazing!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Three Emotions That Lead To Negativity


"According to Buddhism, there are three emotions that lead to negativity. They are delusion, hatred and greed. Most of our unhappiness is caused by these three poisons."

Source: Facebook The Spirit Science 

Donate A Can Get A Can At Chez Ernies in Darien CT

How fun! My friend bartends Mondays and they are doing a deal: Donate A Can and Get A Can of Gansett. Check it out!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Making Gingerbread Houses

The left over Halloween candy came in handy yet again for this fun project. My daughter was home sick from school so I decided to do something fun with them prior to me working. It was actually really great to have all this fun Halloween candy to decorate with. All you need is candy. A tub of icing- I used store bought icing and a box graham crackers. I went through the pantry and also had them use mini marshmallows, sprinkles, mini Oreos and teddy Graham's to decorate with.

Use whatever candy you have 

Use the icing to hold the graham crackers together. Build a shape of a house. 

Give each child their own bowl of icing, and candy

It actually kept them occupied for a while and they really enjoyed it.