Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Be Silent Influencers

I recently was flipping through the channels on a rear occasion when Nick Jr. was not on and came across Joel Osteen doing a serum on how we all should be Silent Influencers. It had me thinking. I mean we all should do good without shouting it to others or making it known what we have done.

Our mission in life really is to leave a special mark in people's life, to be good to others, to be kind to spread kindness and knowledge. Now I am not trying to be all deep but I am trying to say to all of my readers that we all have something good to give and not in ways of money or tangible items. We all have knowledge to share and learn from each other.

Every new situation and new person we meet we have a lot to gain from one another. We also should be silent leaders, meaning spreading kindness and looking out for one another without the intentions to gain for ourselves because in the long run we do get rewarded.

When was the last time YOU did something kind for someone without the intentions of getting something in return?