Sunday, March 15, 2015

Waffles with a Twist

We all have a favorite food that brings us comfort when we aren't feeling well. Peanut Butter and Jelly happens to be mine. If I bring out the peanut butter and jelly it's a sign that I am not feeling well.

I have been battling a cold/sinus issue and this morning when my daughter said she wanted waffles for breakfast I could only think of one thing: Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffles! 

My husband looked at me like I was crazy until he took a bite. After that I made him his own. 

All you have to do is make waffles with your favorite recipe or use the frozen ones you get at the store. Add peanut butter to one waffle. Put jelly of the other one and then stack them like a sandwich. I even tried it with syrup: YUM!