Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy Anniversary to...My Body!

Today's known for April Fools Day, well not to me, its the day I finally got the cancer out of my body. As I think about what I went through these past two years you would think I would feel sorry for myself, well I don't. I feel sorry for my body. See after two csections, a thyroidectomy, RAI Treatment and months of being poked at and medicines changed I have to say to my body I agree, enough is enough, and THANK YOU and Happy Anniversary to you.

You survived 2 years of what some people do not experience in a lifetime. You still get me up at 5:00 am and help me function until long after the kids are in bed. I promise I will be better to you and I am sorry you aren't in the shape or form you were prior to all of this happening but we will get to our healthy, fit point in life again.

Thyroid cancer free for 2 years and grateful everyday, especially for my children. I am healthy today and plan on living along life. So to my body, lets enjoy the rest of this journey together, pain free, disease free, and hopefully back into my single digit clothes real soon!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY BODY...Because without you I couldn't have survived through this all!