Friday, June 26, 2015

Do Things For Your Own Self Gratification Quote

"I don't do things so people will like me. I do things so I will like myself." JCF

Take the Summer in Connecticut Challenge

I am on a quest to try new stuff and visit new places. In the past week we visited the Dinosaur Place in New London, Cherry Lane Park in Darien and Mead Park in New Canaan. 

Join me in the quest to discover new things to do in Connecticut. All you have to do is try to visit a new park, beach, farm etc.... In Connecticut and post it in the comment section and then if you really want to have fun with this then email me a picture at and I will post the picture and location to share with readers. 

Please join me in this quest and maybe I will even add your new adventure to my own list of places to visit this summer!!

Find Meaning In Everyday

"Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?" Coleman Cox 

I love this quote. It's not about materialistic things or money or spending money. It's about building memories and finding good in your day. It's about cherishing everyday. 

So what do you everyday to make sure it's one to remember?