Friday, August 14, 2015

Surround Yourself Around Those Who Lift You Up

I saw this and laughed. It's so true. I was just saying to my sister that I have come to a point in my life that I can't be around those who bring me down, those who want to compete with others and who aren't happy. I need good in my life. I need people who's energy brings out my positive energy. 

Maybe it's time for us all to weed out those who don't make us feel good. Maybe then we can spread good and this world will be a happier place. 

My Baby Girl Turned 1 Today

Not really sure where she came from my blue eyed, silly baby. She laughs when she sneezes and is full of adventure. She's super strong and lacks fear. She holds her ground when it comes to her sisters and there's something about her that calms my soul. It's amazing how she brings me peace.

She wasn't planned. She snuck into my life and has me smiling ever since. I am forever grateful for her goofy personality, her love for food and her twinkle in her eyes. 

I never liked surprised until I got surpised with her.