Sunday, September 20, 2015

Our Soul Finding Our True Self

I mention a lot about past souls and am a firm believer that most of us have been here before. I also believe that we are back this time to learn some lessons and better who we are. Almost like finding our purpose. It's great to just live your life but how great would it be to really find our true self?

"What we do today and every day affects our future selves, and it affects the evolution of our souls." Source:

Many Roles In Life

We all have many faces. Meaning many different roles in life of who we are. Ex: I am a mom, wife, part time virtual admin in charge of my own company and then me ( the whole person not viewed as just a mom, wife, or worker but as my individual self)

Sometimes it's hard to balance them. Work of course happens during work hours but being a mom, wife takes up most of who I am and then me gets blurred at times. 

So I would never change my situation because this is my destiny. I will always 100% be a mom and me the other situations may change. If I had to break down my many faces I would say during my day I am a mom 75% of time. VA 15% wife 7% me 3%. So when I am not working I am with my kids so that takes up the time but when kids finally go to bed by 9:30 I can hang with my husband and be a wife. Then there's those occasional mommy dinners or girls night out or my trips to a store alone or even car rides where I can focus on me. 

I know it sounds like there needs to be more of a balance but think about your life. What role are you most of the time. 

I take care of a lot of people and there's only 24 hrs in a day. If I sleep  5-6 hrs a night, work 4 hours a day, the rest of day I am a mom and wife and me. Whenever I focus on one "face" I take time away from being another part of who I am. Can you really be multiple roles at the same time.  

I know as kids grow the % will change in how my time is being spent and that's where many people loose who they are but try to focus more on the "me" role. I may work more or get more time to be a wife and do things with my husband or take more of a me role and focus on my hobbies like writing or painting. Don't give up yourself completely to one role. Try to have more of a balance. Try to also remember that those balances may change and it's ok. 

How many faces/roles do you have?