Our Energy Heals

She saved my life. While pregnant with her I discovered I had thyroid cancer. I failed a pregnancy glucose test that lead me to see a specialist that felt lumps in my throat. I would have never known with out taking that pregnancy screening test. My margins where 5 millimeters clean before it would have spread. She's my guardian angel. 

I started feeling energy or I should say connecting with my energy after my treatment. It was if I was finding my purpose in life, that there had to be deeper meaning for me to not die. 

I started doing healings while they slept. I would feel their energy through my body. I am not a "healer". I just feel energy. I am not trained nor do I practice regularly. When I am calm and at peace I can do them. 

It's like when someone is sick in the hospital they say visit feeling positive. That our good energy can heal them. Til this day when I grab her hand I feel her energy travel through my body. I feel it a lot with people I am strongly connected too. Not always just through their hands but if I touch them I can feel it through my hands. It's like a shock of life coming through. Like when you drink a cold glass of water you feel it traveling through your veins. 

Funny thing is she's my most difficult child and I am stearn with her. But she favors me and her energy heals me. When I am sad or stressed she reacts. When I touch her my body relaxes from her energy. It's amazing what power we all have when we believe.