Thursday, December 3, 2015

Elf On The Shelf From A Mom's Prospective

This concept was cute...and everyone I know has one. I had fun with it in the beginning but after day 5 my life turned into... Oh crap did we move the Elf?!

I have gotten out of bed many times to move this thing before my daughter woke up and there's nothing worse than waking up to "oh mom oh no why didn't Rosie our elf move?"  I have to reassure her she's been good and the Elf must have been tired.

Now I give 100% credit to all those creative parents out there who put more effort into it to have fun with it. I really do but being a mom of three I am lucky I remember to put my pajamas on before knocking out. 

Elf everyone year you come and make more work for me. I hope the day comes I have more time to be as creative as all my other mommy friends but I do have a strong following that do dread your presence. 

I did use a little creativity for a holiday party and made Elf on the Shelf Cupcakes. That is probably the most creative I have been in a while. 

Chocolate Eggnog Elf on a Shelf cupcakes 

source: Facebook 

Feel Good Holiday Song: Christmas Canon by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Every other radio station is playing Christmas music now and although I am not fully in the Christmas mood lately I must say this song gets me every time. It's magical.!

Don't let the Holidays bring you too much stress, try to find beauty in this season. So much stress surrounds us all everyday, try to embrace this Month as much as you can.