Monday, December 28, 2015

New Years Eve Recipes

I still haven't finalized my plans for New Years yet, funny the older I get the less I seem to focus on it. I fight the clock to stay up to see the Ball Drop and kindof don't want to deal with the party rush so staying in sounds better and better every year.

If you plan on staying in or throwing a get together check out these fun easy recipes to add to your list. What are your New Years Eve Plans?

20 New Year’s Eve Party Food Ideas from Oh Sweet Basil

Recipes Link:

Source: Facebook

Fancy up some Hot Dogs! This idea is clever and perfect for any table. 

Source: SuperMums on Facebook 

These cupcakes are so bright, festive and easy to make. They are really perfect for any party. 

Source: SuperMums on Facebook

Little Memories Last a Lifetime

Take the time and do things with your children. Doesn't have to be big expenisve things. Just spending time together like in the kitchen or bonding makes a huge difference in their life. I see it already with children. My 7 year old always says "mom remember when we made this last year" my 2 1/2 year old always runs in the kitchen when I ask "who would like to help me empty the dishwasher". Whenever I say I am baking my 1 1/2 year old goes to get the step stool so she can help me. Yes everything takes longer to do and you need extra patience but it's these little memories that stick with them. Life's about the little things too.