Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Marriage Changes After Having Kids

I really wish there was a Marriage course you could take when you're about to have a child. Most churches have them that you have to take before you actually get married but no where does anyone say that your marriage will change after having children and here's how to deal with it.

When you get married you unite as one. You fight over silly things but quickly make up with flowers or a date night. You sleep in on weekends and make plans to travel.  Well when you have kids that all kindof gets thrown out the window. Date nights become slim. Trying to hold a conversation without getting interrupted every second is almost impossible and you start to snap at one another due to lack of sleep and frustrations with one another. 

You keep thinking you can have the married life you had before you had kids and I am sorry but it is almost impossible at least for when the children are younger. It's like that movie "This is 40."

Now there isn't ALL bad that happens. 

You and your spouse have created another life together. You get to watch this Miracle grow and create amazing memories together.  But the love you two have for one another changes. You start to love eachother for how well of a parent you are. You start to feel compassion for stressful situations that can bring you together or tear you apart. 

My husband once said on a date night "why is it we get along so well when the kids aren't around?!" Well because we aren't multi tasking or hoping the other hears the baby cry first so you don't have to get out of bed or that you expect one another to read each others minds. Hence one of my flaws. 

Marriage changes a lot after you have kids. Who ever says it doesn't please tell me your trick.  You need to go into it knowing it changes or else you will find yourself running from it. Truth be told kids do not bring you closer. Communication brings you closer. If you don't have that well then you're just holding on to the love you had before kids or staying together for the kids which actually causes more damage in the long run. Marriage is a constant work in progress and when you have kids it's a constant battle of keeping that love and spark alive. 

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