Thursday, January 28, 2016

Potty Train Tip: Try When They Are Ready

As parents we need to realize one thing about Potty Training- it will ONLY work when your kid is ready not when you are ready.

My daughter has shown interest in the potty for over a year. She will be three in March. After trying for months on and off I gave up. Why? Because she was NOT truly ready. 

We tend to push when it fits in our schedule or we have a good week to spare but reality is you can NOT push a child to potty train. Trust me I have. Now I rather pay someone to deal with this but I have to buckle down and have extra patience. Yeah for months she would run and hop on her Mickey potty. Waste un used toilet paper and flush just to hear the song it played but once the diapers went away she wanted no part of it so I gave up. 

Then she started telling me when her "belly hurt" and 1 1/2 months before she turns three she's finally doing it! Not 100% but she knows enough to feel the urge and we have been making it to the potty in time and by Potty I mean the big one we all use. Not the one she has used for a year. Flushing to hear the music. 

Don't rush your child! I know it's frustrating but make sure to enforce it when THEY are ready! 

Wishing you luck and me too cause this is just the beginning of this journey. 

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