Monday, March 7, 2016

Parenthood: Nobody Said It Was Easy

Some days are so hard. The constant complaining and mess. The endless cleaning and diaper changing. No one tells you the difficulties of parenthood until you learn it yourself. You don't quiet get it.

Then the calmness sets in. They run to hug you and kiss you. And you are their comfort zone. I read this article how kids act up when mom is around because mom is where they can be them. Where their emotions can be let out.

 It's hard. So hard. I will be real. But it's amazing and these little ones depend on me for comfort and love and being their for them for their good times and bad times. Sometimes I think man I am an awesome mom. Sometimes I wonder which one will end up in therapy over something I did. Let's face it. We all are trying to get it right.

There's NO exact way to be a parent. There's just love. And shelter. And treating them the way you want to be treated. There's a lot of deep breathing and letting things go. There's a lot of trying to get it right. Trying to let them know how much you love them even when they wake you up a million times a night. They came from me and I am their teacher. They're pretty amazing and I will take full credit for it. As for when they act up well then that's when I blame their father! But really no parent can sit back and say they were perfect but just love them. Love your kids and tell them how proud they make you. Praise them. They are just looking for our approval where ironically we are looking for theirs!

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