Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Test..The Journey Of Life

What would you say if someone came to you and said you are going to put through a test, this test will be hard. It will challenge you. It may make you face some fears and doubts but I promise after you will come out of it stronger, wiser and better. Would you take it?

Unfortunately this is life! The test is really your journey through life. Things will test you. Situations will test you. You can fall apart or you can pull it together and come out of it stronger and better. As you are going through the test you have doubts. You think back on why you are being taught this lesson. You feel a little helpless and insecure but then something magically happens. You decide to not let it beat you down. You decide to take the lessons and gear towards good. You appreciate the small things to look past the bad. You then come out strong. Over night things change. Life becomes better. You become stronger. You faced some fears and it challenged you and you come out bigger and better. 

My friends this is the journey of life. Tests happen all the time. Mostly unexpected like a pop quiz. I once mediated and a voice said this is a test and you are failing this test. It was a wake up call to pull it together. To get the gloomy dark cloud out from over me. 

Push it away! Face the tests. Face life with gratitude and be happy. Spread happiness. Encourage others. Look at the good in every situation. I know sometimes it's hard. So be mad or angry or hurt and then push that all aside and say thank you for this lesson I won't let it get the best of me! 

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