Friday, June 17, 2016

Accidents Happen! All We Want Is For Our Kids To Be Safe, Happy & Healthy!

I took the day off and planned a play date in the morning with my mommy friends. I set up the pool, they had water balloons and water guns. The kids were having a blast. 

They stopped to have a snack and as they ran back barefoot I heard my oldest daughter scream. She ran back toward me. I thought she got stung by a bee. She lifted her foot and said a piece of wood got stuck in it. 

I sat her down and put peroxide on it. The wood was deep in her foot. No typical splinter.  I looked at my mommy friends and they said go. I put her on my back and into the car. After three shots and three stitches we left the urgent care facility. 

Accidents happen! What was a fun filled morning ended with an unexpected injury. 

With all the sad tragic news circulating the news we must always remember that all we want in life is for our kids to be safe, happy and healthy. We need to stop judging parents that have been faced a tragedy. 

Accidents happen. Could some be prevented? Yes, absolutely! But who are we to criticize and make any parent dealing with a tradegy feel worse. Being a parent isn't easy! Always remember that!

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