Friday, June 17, 2016

Connected Spiritually

Having a twin sister has it's advantages and disadvantages. One huge cool factor is we have a "sixth" sense with eachother and can feel each others pain or know when something is wrong. 

I read it over and over again how twins get this gut feeling when it comes to one another. 

I sometimes picked it up with other people in my life. Close and not close to me. Well since my daughters injury my foot has been throbbing. I know it's probably mental from feeling bad for her. I mentioned it to her today and she asked me how it was possible. I replied that we are connected spiritually and I am feeling her pain. 

Have you ever experienced this? It's a surreal sense. Whenever I did "healings" which again I am no Pro and haven't practiced in a while, but after I would try a healing on someone I later felt their pain. 

We underestimate how spiritually connected we all are to one another. A while ago a friend asked me to pray for her. She was having financial difficulties. I told her a couple of positive ways to think. A couple weeks ago she came up to me and said remember when I asked you to pray? Well we are doing great. 

Was it my doing? Not sure. But by having her view the situation differently and having faith could have helped her situation. 

We are all connected. It's the stress and chaos of our life that helps us not see it. 

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