Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Breakfasts Are The Best: Enjoy Your Summer

Waking up late...well two of them. No plans in the morning. Fresh waffles with fresh strawberries hand picked over weekend from my sister. I even snuck in a spoonful of Cobani Greek yogurt in the waffle batter.  No rushing. A movie playing in the other room "The Little Mermaid". It's the little things in life that help start the day right. 

Hope you have some of these mornings where the mess doesn't bother you and you don't have to run around to get everyone out the door. Where you can actually enjoy your hot coffee without reheating it. 

Summer relaxation isn't only about laying in the sun on the beach. It's about embracing the natural sunlight. Making smores past bedtime. No set plans and running around. Sticky suntan faces. Ice pops and darkeness setting past their bed time and yours. 

Embrace it. Enjoy it! We look forward to this weather all year. 

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