Saturday, July 23, 2016

Change Your Thoughts! Being Positive Brings Positive Things To You!

My goal this year was to get more clients and hire more help. All of a sudden things started to happen and fall into place. Two months ago my work load increased. I was off on Wednesdays and working nights to make up for it and it wasn't enough to do what had to be done. After taking on another client I knew I needed more time and wanted to give up nights. I posted on a mommy site and an hour later had a name for a babysitter. Ironically I went to school with her children. A week later she came by and started. She's been an amazing addition to my family and help for me.

Then my husband came home said he met a girl who wants to work
from home. She was looking to start her own virtual admin business but needed clients. I took her information and said if I got one more client I would subcontract work to her. Sure enough I got a referral. Client signed agreement and last week started subcontracting work.

I was a bit crabby this week. I walk around the front of my house to do something in back yard. As I walked a breeze came through. I stopped  and  took it all in. Wow life can be beautiful I said walking inside. From the corner of my eye I see a tag. I reached for it and realized it was the bag of candy I bought my sitter and couldn't find. I was so happy

I researched gifts for my soon to be two year old. I had no clue what to get her. I thought maybe a small trampoline would be fun since they use big ones at our gym class. Today after my daughters baseball game I picked up my little ones at my inlaws and didn't feel like cooking lunch. As we pull up to Wendy's my daughter asked for a frosty. No I said. Then as I ordered I figured why not. She just played baseball for two and half hours in the heat. I ordered three jr ones and drove home. On our side street was a trampoline. No sign. Empty house. I stopped the car. Got out and asked a neighbor was this free and he said yes. Well that just saved me $100.

Now this could all be a coincidence really but man after a crazy beginning of the year everything seems to be back on track to good fun positive outcomes. Change your outlook. Change your life.

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