Monday, July 18, 2016

Come Out And Let's "Pley"

We live in an era where you can rent cars, rent furniture and now can rent TOYS! Yep! Pley is an amazing new concept where you rent toys. For as low as $12.99 a month, they will send you a toy to play with for as long as your child would like to. When finished return all pieces in package and return item with self addressed label they provide. Then wait for a new toy to arrive.

So I know what you're thinking: 
What if you loose pieces? No problem they will replace them.
What if you want to keep the you? No problem you can purchase it. 

All toys come sanitized so you do not need to worry about germs- because we all know kids do carry them. 

How fun would it be for your little one to receive a package with a new toy? I know I just helped you get the award for best parent around! Check it out!

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