Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Have Some Confidence

It doesn't matter how great you look. If you walk into a room in sweats with a smile one your face you will be perceived well. It's not what you're wearing it's how you carry yourself. One advice my mom always taught me and ironically I am now teaching my own daughter. 

She's been sluggish about attending camp. She doesn't enjoy been in the heat even though it's only a couple hours a day. She doesn't like being the youngest. Finally I noticed when I dropped her off she was all moppy. Pull it together girl I thought to myself. 

So this morning while we were getting ready I mentioned how I didn't like how she looks going into camp. She's going because she asked to go and dropping her off makes me feel like I am making her do something she doesn't want to do. Plus she doesn't come off approachable. She looks sad and timid. 

I asked "how do I look to you" and I walked by all moppy. Then I asked again "how do I look to you". This time I raised my head up and smiled, walking by tall and proud. She started to smile. Try to work on it I said. 

Tonight at her summer league baseball game as she's getting ready to hit she shouts "mom look how confident I look" and she holds the bat up and smiles. I smiled back and realized that it doesn't take much to help someone change and built confidence. Sometimes you have to just point it out to them. Now let's just hope tomorrow at camp she remembers the lesson. 

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