Monday, July 25, 2016

Sometimes Having A Strong Voice Isn't A Bad Thing

"I need you back on the committee. I won't ask too much of you but need you to back me up. Your voice is my stronger and louder than mine."

This is the text I received a couple of weeks ago from a friend. We had a strong committee that fell apart once the leader wasn't being supportive. Why do good if no one was appreciating it. We all got burnt out and took a year off.  Now that the leader is gone and change is taking place my friend is rallying up the crew again. 

"My big, strong mouth gets me into trouble at times. But I can't a position but will be more involved and help. I promise." Was my response. 

I wanted to take a position. I wanted too. But with work busy and having two kids in school in the Fall. I just can't. I need to make other things a priority.  It did feel good to have her think my aggressive strong voice could be put to good use. Which as I have grown I try to aim for that. 

I have learned through years to control it. To think before you speak. Actions cause a reaction so if you are going to fight for anything be sure to be passionate about it 100%. Like 100%. I have voiced my opinion across this committee and others to do with my children education and sports. When you see them implement that change it makes you believe that Speaking Up Does Matter!

So if you too like to share your opinion and have a strong loud voice. Not ones that insult others or try to give someone a bad rap. But one that makes people think and take your input into consideration. Then don't change! There will always be a team rooting for you!

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