Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Zucchini Parmigiana

There are so many farm stands this summer that there's no excuse to not buy fresh vegetables. I recently bought zucchini and as it lay on the counter near the pot of sauce I was making a light bulb went off. Zucchini Parmigiana.

Super easy to make and so amazing. 

What you need:

A cup of sauce
2 zucchinis 
Sliced mozzarella- I just slice a block you can buy at store 
Parmigiana cheese 
Olive oil

Slice the zucchini. Spray Pyrex with oil. Toss sliced zucchini in a bowl with olive oil. Line zucchini in a Pyrex dish. Bake at 375 for 25 minutes. Top with parmigiana cheese. Bake another 5 minutes. Add sauce and mozzarella bake until cheese melted. 

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